Saturday 25 July 2015

Best Friends of Modern Times: Personal Safety Devices

As the rate of crime is rising continuously, we have to be more careful, and it is important to carry non-lethal yet effective weapons as a personal alert safety system. There are different ways to defend one with Self defense nonlethal weapons. The vital point while using this personal alert safety system is the proper and effective use of them.

  1. Mace Defense Sprays: This is a personal self-defense nonlethal weapons which commonly have cayenne peppers as the main ingredient, one of the hottest peppers around the world. Used to spray for self-defense, it causes the tearing of the eyes when once sprayed, gives pain to the attacker and possibly temporary blindness so that you can escape.
  2. Stun Guns: Stun guns are non-lethal in nature and also an attacker which shocks the attacker, but it is important to give electric shock for self-defense not with the intention of harming others. These stun guns are less effective, or we can say safer than tasers, but used for the same purpose and help you to escape the bad situation.
  3. Tasers: Tasers fire, electric darts from a distance, most obviously use to handle carefully wild animals. The emitted electric charge from tasers will shock the attacker’s nervous system and halts them, giving you enough time to reach a safety spot. Tasers are the powerful even from some handguns and still a nonlethal weapon.

Get your best personal alert safety system which can include some Mace defensive sprays and also some Self defensive Non-lethal Weapons for your protection.

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Wednesday 1 July 2015

Now, buy online self protection products and be safe always!!

With the immense increase in the crime rate everywhere which of course people attribute to the rising inflation, but whatever be the reason; the fact remains that the world is no longer that safe a place to be in!! 

You can’t just stop living because of this, but yes, the maximum and the most required thing you can do is to ensure that you and your loved ones are always on alert and protected. This definitely doesn’t mean you need to be a champion in martial art forms or any ninja skills. The market these days is flooded with numerous Personal alert safety systems and protection gadgets which you may choose as per your need. 

Self Defense nonlethal weapons

Many online stores sell absolutely non-lethal yet highly effective equipments like the kubotans, pepper sprays, pen knives to name a few, that can be easily carried and also offers fool proof protection when used against an attacker. These are some of the most preferred products today mostly by ladies for self protection. The safety products suppliers also make sure that they design these products in various colors and designs so that it looks trendy as well when the ladies carry it. Say for example a pink or floral printed leatherette holster for stun gun, which looks more or less like your mobile phone holder and lets you carry your safety device in style!

So without stressing out about potential attackers on you and your dear ones, make sure you carry and also keep proper home protection weapons that can ensure safe and secured environment to live in.