Thursday 30 April 2015

Advantages of Nonlethal Weapons over Lethal Products

It’s true that sometimes you might feel threatened or insecure when you walking along a street in the middle of the night. This is because there is a possibility of you to become a victim of a serious crime at any point as you might be vulnerable or might not have enough energy to resist attack. However you now have a perfect way of resisting the attack as you can now shop for best personal protection products online that are nonlethal in nature to give a tough time to your attackers.

Self Defense Nonlethal Weapons Store


Why choose nonlethal weapons?

There can be numerous reasons that state why the best nonlethal weapons online such as stun guns, mace sprays and pepper sprays are a better choice. Some of them are:
  • Low cost option: You can find reliable and durable nonlethal products for your personal safety at affordable cost which indicates that you need not spend a lot for protecting yourself from dangerous attackers. You need not spend more than a hundred dollars for purchasing any devices for personal protection as they arrive with a pocket friendly price tag.
  • Needs no permit: There is no need for you to carry a permit or follow any restrictions if you wish to use a online security camera in Florida or any other personal protection products as they have no strict requirements.

These products are designed to be very easy to use that you can handle it effectively even while using it for the very first time.

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Saturday 18 April 2015

Know More About The Various Personal Protection Devices For Women

If you are a working woman and have the habit of reaching home late at night then it must be very difficult for you to decide which one among the self defense products online should you buy. As the market is flooded with many items choosing a best one becomes increasingly difficult. The self defense products for women are designed to be harmless ones and the ones that can inflict pain or slight injury to safeguard themselves of all dangers.


Various types of personal protection devices

The following are the various personal protection devices for women for you to choose from.
  • Personal alarms: These alarms are the best ones in the market as they can produce an alarm to attract the attention of others when activated at the touch of a button. These products are designed with a noisy alarm to warn the rapist or a robber to back off as it features the scream of a woman.
    Personal Alarm
  • Pepper spray: The mixture of capsaicin can harm the nose, eyes, throat etc of the person attacking a woman. This is a great protection tool and will stun the person immediately.
    Papper Spray
  • Stun guns: These guns are designed to stun the person who tries to attack y causing acute pain and muscle contractions. The feel of electricity flowing through the body will shock and surprise the attacker and will make them fall down offering women much time to go away from that place.
    Stun Gun

Apart from these security devices, you can also online shop for security camera Florida to make a note of any unusual happening in and around your work place or home. This way you can stay free from the attack of the robbers, murderers, stalkers, kidnappers etc. With these self defense products you can stay safe from all kinds of harm, which makes it a worthy investment.

Saturday 11 April 2015

Why Shop For Online Home Protection Weapons?

A home can be considered as a safe place only if it is free from all kinds of attacks from robbers, murderers or any such intruders. However sometimes, when you are away from your home on a business trip or on a getaway, robbers or thieves will try to plunder all your valuables and electronic devices that are costly, by attacking your home. If you wish to prevent such grave mistakes from occurring while you are away from home then it is best to shop for online personal protection products which are available at reputed sites for affordable rates.

Availability of online home protection weapons

Glass Breakage Alarm
You can find various products available for home protection such as cameras to scrutinize strangers’ movements, cameras at the door step, door guard alarm, alarm for glass break, online security camera Florida and personal alarm. These security devices make sure that your loved ones and belongings are safe while you are at the office or at another location. If you are staying along the Florida region then you can also find some best online home protection weapons to prevent your home from being attacked or robbed.

Why you need best nonlethal weapons?

Runt Blue Stun Gun
It is essential to use the best nonlethal weapons to defend yourself from any attacker while making sure you are not inflicting bodily damage as they are not deadly weapons. These weapons are designed to assure personal safety especially for women without needing the help of a second person while facing a grave situation. Be it a murderer, a robber or a rapist, these nonlethal weapons like maze spray, pepper sprays, stun guns and inert streams can hold back the attacker from attacking you while offering each time gap to clear the place immediately.
These devices arrive in compact shape to help you store it in the hand bag or purse while you travel.

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Friday 3 April 2015

What Are The Different Personal Alert Safety Systems?

A protective device emits an audible alarm to notify others and assists in locating a firefighter in danger. The Personal Alert Safety System (PASS) device includes motion detectors that sense movement and automatically sounds an alarm.


Advantages of Wireless Surveillance Camera

Nowadays Surveillance Accessories are in high demand. People prefer wireless camera because it is inexpensive, has an easy installation process etc. The wireless camera will adjust the intensity of camera lens that gives high resolution picture. These cameras are completely safe. You can watch your office and home through your PC or mobile.


Benefits of Wireless Surveillance Camera

  • Ensures safety of your Family: These cameras are very popular among the working parents. Parents need not to be worried much about their children when they leave alone with the caretakers. Always can have a check on their children's activities in their absences.
  • Employees Training tool: It helps to detect employee attitudes and behavior. If the employee is hard working then the company can acknowledge his dedication.
  • Preventing theft: In many companies people complain about the theft. This Video Surveillance Camera available in Self Defense Store makes it easier to trace the culprit.

Wireless surveillance cameras with their advanced technology have become very popular and important tool not only in security but also in various fields. These cameras come in different shapes and style, you can avail the help from the expert.


Defensive Pepper Spray

Pepper sprays are excellent as self defense product. It is extremely effective on eyes and facial area. It puts you safe from the attacker and gives more time to escape and seek for help. Because pepper sprays do not lead to death, acting quickly can avoid serious injuries and save life. Pepper sprays are inexpensive and not restricted by law.

When sprayed with the Pepper Spray it causes a burning sensation, disorientation, difficulty in breathing and temporary blindness. Pepper sprays are top selling product in the marketplace.

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